Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Guy Fawkes Day Disinformation Control.

Vendors, Friends and Family of Pulse Sims,

On Thursday the 5th of November we will be celebrating Guy Fawkes Day with a bonfire party including fireworks, and live DJs from around noon SLT till at least midnight. More details will be coming including a promotional poster and how you can get involved. We are doing this in coordination with STEP UP! a group promoting content theft awareness. Their web pages are here.

In addition to the Guy Fawkes themed education parties the group is calling for an act of solidarity among designers in not doing any content uploads on that day. We are encouraging everyone to support the Step UP! activities here on Pulse, or on your own sims and stores.

There is another group, Artists Voice, that has a different plan of action. No call for events or education yet but a general boycott of L$ transactions. The boycott they are asking for on November 5th and 6th is as follows: Content uploads, Purchase of $L currency, Sale of $L currency, All XStreet.com purchases and sales, In-world Purchases, In-world Sales, Land store purchases, Stop blogging about Second Life, Paying of shop rentals. While this does send a louder message to the Lindens, we feel it does so in a way that hurts more than it helps. As an example: for anyone that relies on SL for their RL income a 48 hour outage of sales in a week works out to over 10 hours out of a 40 hour paycheck.

Step Up! has made it clear that they do not support the actions of this group and neither do we. However in the interest of fairness we implore you to look at both groups and make up your own mind. The Artists Voice website is here.

Hope to see you on the 5th!
Roblem Hogarth
Ivey Deschanel